Technical Support

77 Elektronika is committed to provide its customers with superior after sales services and product support. Therefore, a Customer Service Team has been established to enable Distributors to provide maintenance and services of the highest quality to the End-Users.


Please note that 77 Elektronika’s Support Team will be able to reply to business partners’ inquiries only and direct inquiries from End-Users will be forwarded to local representatives.


For End-Users


Please contact your local 77 Elektronika representative. If you need contact information or you have any other comments, please contact us.


For Distributors


In case of technical inquiries please visit the For Distributors menu. In commercial affairs please contact your sales manager.

  • Customer & Product Support

    • Zsolt Eszes

      Customer Service Manager
    • Zoltán Csordás

      Product Support Engineer
    • Dávid Hajnal

      product support engineer
    • Róbert Molnár

      Product Support Engineer
    • Máté Tóth

      Product Support Engineer
    • Zsolt Farkas

      Technical Writer
    • Sinkó Ádám

      Spare part specialist
    • János Kalina

    • Miklós Radziwon

    • Éva Nagy

      Sales and Customer Service Assistant
  • For distributors

    In case of technical inquiries please visit the For Distributors menu.

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