- Fully automated measurement process 240 tests/hour throughput
- Advanced, patented detection technique for test strip evaluation and Physical Measurement Cell (PMC unit) for physical parameters
- No liquid detergents or calibrators
- Loading of up to 100 samples possible; internal test strip container for 300 test strips
- Increased on-board stability: up to 2 weeks with optional kit
- Sample dosage by pipetting unit; only 2 mL sample is required in test tube
- User friendly and flexible software; easy operation via a big color touch screen
- Automated QC analysis and maintenance procedures
- Integration to laboratory or hospital information systems possible
- RFID based rack identification
Easy operation via touch screen, automatic handling of test strips and test tubes (including sample mixing and precise dosing for each test pad by the pipetting unit), a patented detection technique, and intelligent data management provide maximum efficiency while making urinalysis simple.
The LabUMat 2 urine analyzer is for professional use to improve diagnostic quality of urine test strip evaluation by increasing accuracy and security and to improve productivity by eliminating time-consuming manual methods. The analyzer also helps in test data handling and report generation by providing data storage and computerized data processing features for medical laboratories.

The LabUMat urine strip reader is a stand-alone instrument, which can be connected to the UriSed 3 PRO microscopic urine sediment analyzer. Together, the two instruments make up a Complete Urine Laboratory System.